
Oedipus RexΒ  (1957)

This adaptation of Sophocles’ tragedy (in a translation by William Butler Yeats) looks almost the way it would have when staged in the 5th century BC. Stentorian oration and carefully posed tableaux abound, giving the film an uncanny atmosphere somewhere between a black mass and puppet theater.

So I sometimes buy these little wheels of Petite Breakfast cheese. It’s got a very sharp flavor that I like. It’s also $9 for a tiny morsel and, you know, it’s a solid wheel of adulterated bovine baby juice, so it’s only for treat yourself situations.

Then I glanced over…

I’m not a fan of the aged bries and they’re not at all like the Petite Breakfast I usually get, but I am a sucker for Halloween branding. I had to get it per the requirement of the season.

Okay sure, it’s a small brie with ash on the outside? Which is apparently vegetable ash which I did not know was a thing.

But then…

What the hell.

They did it. Those crazy bastards actually did it.*

*Added some food coloring to make their brie orange.

Aesthetically, nailed it.

Flavor-wise, it’s that old-sock saveur that brie lovers enjoy. So I’ll stick to le Petite Breakfast because that’s my jam, but the point is we took the road less traveled by.

Maybe I needed Halloween crackers to properly spread it.