So I sometimes buy these little wheels of Petite Breakfast cheese. It’s got a very sharp flavor that I like. It’s also $9 for a tiny morsel and, you know, it’s a solid wheel of adulterated bovine baby juice, so it’s only for treat yourself situations.

Then I glanced over…

I’m not a fan of the aged bries and they’re not at all like the Petite Breakfast I usually get, but I am a sucker for Halloween branding. I had to get it per the requirement of the season.

Okay sure, it’s a small brie with ash on the outside? Which is apparently vegetable ash which I did not know was a thing.

But then…

What the hell.

They did it. Those crazy bastards actually did it.*

*Added some food coloring to make their brie orange.

Aesthetically, nailed it.

Flavor-wise, it’s that old-sock saveur that brie lovers enjoy. So I’ll stick to le Petite Breakfast because that’s my jam, but the point is we took the road less traveled by.

Maybe I needed Halloween crackers to properly spread it.