kind of a researcher

I’ll admit something: I’m kind of a researcher. I notice trends and patterns (vestiges of a former career in marketing, past lives n all), and one particular trend this place has going for it is the level of interconnectedness between many different users. Other places have this type of networking as well, but not to this level, and certainly not based around content. The interconnectedness here is based on that content, on what each of us can contribute to the neverending conversation. This is how I’ve come to find folks who contribute really interesting pieces in the form of fiction, essays, art, music, photography, and all kinds of other wacky things. Some are personal and some aren’t but they all have this incredible potential to inspire and it’s done by very simply following someone’s work and reblogging it out to another set of followers. This, to me, is an interesting trend in ‘social networking’. One has to wonder how this will evolve as market pressures rise up (because in this game evolution is mandatory), but I hope it doesn’t affect the current system too much. This right here, this works.

And of course I haven’t forgotten that behind every piece of interesting content there’s a person, and when I get to thinking aboutthat it just kinds of melts my face. What a world, ey man? What a world.