“don’t get comfortable”

They tell us that life’s this path, right? Like it’s all flat and we can just walk down it at our leisure? Well nah, man, that ain’t it. It’s more like we’re these round stones and when we get spit out the womb we’re on a hill, and for the rest of our lives we tumble down this damn thing doing what we can to turn a little bit this way and a little bit that. Sometimes it’s smooth and turning ain’t no thing. But then, sometimes it ain’t, and one turn sends you into a pit or over a bump that’s got you flying all in the air and coming straight down, man, coming down hard. The more of that shit we go through the more cracks we get and the more rough and used up we become til eventually we see one too many bumps and the cracks give way and we break apart and stop, sitting in the way of others as they roll past us and our remains chip away at them.