The top 31 spookiest Star Trek episodes (according to the Internet)

It’s spooky season and I’m also a Star Trek nerd and a list nerd, so here we go!

I asked in a Star Trek discord, ran a bunch of searches, and assigned a point each time an episode was listed among the scariest/creepiest in Star Trek. The episodes are ranked from least to most spooky, so watch in this order if you want to build up to the spookiest stuff. I cut off the list at 31, one episode for each day in October.

So without further ado…

Spookiest episodes of Star Trek*:

  1. TOS 1×05: The Enemy Within
  2. TOS 1×25: The Devil in the Dark
  3. PIC 2×07: Monsters
  4. VOY 2×08: Persistence of Vision
  5. ENT 3×16: Doctor’s Orders
  6. DS9 3×26: The Adversary
  7. VOY 4×25: One
  8. VOY 5×18: Course: Oblivion
  9. ENT 2×10: Vanishing Point
  10. VOY 3×12: Macrocosm
  11. VOY 3×18: Darkling
  12. VOY 4×07: Scientific Method
  13. TNG 7×14: Sub Rosa
  14. ENT 2×04: Dead Stop
  15. TNG 3×26: The Best Of Both Worlds, Part I
  16. TOS 1×01: The Man Trap
  17. TNG 7×06: Phantasms
  18. DS9 5×05: The Assignment
  19. DS9 2×14: Whispers
  20. DIS 1×03: Context Is For Kings
  21. TNG 6×21: Frame Of Mind
  22. TNG 7×19: Genesis
  23. TOS 2×14: Wolf in the Fold
  24. VOY 6×25: The Haunting Of Deck Twelve
  25. TOS 2×07: Catspaw
  26. VOY 2×23: The Thaw
  27. TNG 4×17: Night Terrors
  28. TNG 1×25: Conspiracy
  29. ENT 3×05: Impulse
  30. DS9 5×24: Empok Nor
  31. TNG 6×05: Schisms

Shorter list of the the spookiest episode from each of the 11 series:**

  • TOS 2×07: Catspaw
  • TAS 1×01: Beyond the Farthest Star
  • TNG 6×05: Schisms
  • DS9 5×24: Empok Nor
  • VOY 2×23: The Thaw
  • ENT 3×05: Impulse
  • DIS 1×03: Context Is For Kings
  • PIC 2×07: Monsters
  • LD 1×06: Terminal Provocations
  • PRO 1×12: Let Sleeping Borg Lie
  • SNW 1×09: All Those Who Wander

Data used to collate these rankings:

* There was a 12-way tie for the final 8 slots, so the final 8 in the first list are randomly selected from among those 12 episodes.

** PRO did not make an appearance on any of the lists I found, so I selected an episode that felt most appropriate. Other series only had one suggested episode and are in the list by default.


The Enigma of Amigara Fault

This short story by Junji Ito is about a fault that appears in Amigara mountain after an earthquake. The earthquake exposes countless human-shaped holes in the mountain which seem to have been made about a thousand years ago. People, intrigued by these 

silhouettes, gather at the site and that’s when things get creepy.

It’s about a 15-20 min read, but if you haven’t read this before, you’re in for a treat. Link above.


The Enigma of Amigara Fault

This short story by Junji Ito is about a fault that appears in Amigara mountain after an earthquake. The earthquake exposes countless human-shaped holes in the mountain which seem to have been made about a thousand years ago. People, intrigued by these 

silhouettes, gather at the site and that’s when things get creepy.

It’s about a 15-20 min read, but if you haven’t read this before, you’re in for a treat. Link above.