

Honest-to-god think that the Gameboy Advance SP is the best video game console ever made. Like we should’ve just stopped trying after that. We should’ve just kept shoving more and more powerful hardware into it’s guts kept and adding more buttons until you could run Doom Eternal on it. That’s all we had to do and we fucked it up.

Look at this bad boy. Perfectly square. Compact. 7 buttons. Fits in your pocket. You can play Doom on it! Runs games from every Gameboy generation bc they all use the same cartridge architecture and backend!!! Tetris!!!!!! Whip it out anywhere. Built like a fucking brick. Hurl this man at a wall and it’ll come out fine. Mine only broke bc the charging port rusted out bc I lost it for like four years. The peak of design. We should’ve just left it with this. No need to go further.