













Star Trek fans, please reblog with the series/movie that got you into Star Trek and the approximate year that you did so.

TNG, and it was the summer before I turned 10, so around Dec/Jan 1991.

(My parents had been renting TNG on VHS for a couple of years, but that was when it registered as something I might be interested in obsessed with.)

Discovery, December 2017 🙂

VOY and ENT, 2001, I got the tail end of VOY and thought it was interesting but ENT was MY Star Trek

TNG/TOS Films, around age 6, circa 1992.

TNG right from the pilot. 1987, I was 6

VOY, im not sure cos I was like,,,, a baby but I’m gonna guess 2001/2 since that’s when I was born

Voyager, 2017. Watched the first scene and *groans*… gave it another try a couple of days later and fell in love with Captain Janeway ❤️

Tng 2010? My roomie was binge watching the series and I fell in love.

Technically Star Trek 4 in 1995? I didn’t know it was Star Trek until my dad had me watch TOS a year later

TNG, 2016. We still have cable (don’t judge) and BBC America was airing TOS and TNG in September as part of the 50th anniversary. Fell in love with Picard and crew and to this day it remains my comfort show.

The Original Series, November 2019.

Ds9 late august early September 2019

I don’t remember a time before Star Trek. it was probably the first adult show I could recognize on TV. my parents watched TNG as it was coming out in the early 90s

For whatever reason, I chose to watch DS9 on Netflix back in 2015 without having cared about Star Trek at all before that. I wasn’t instantly onboard but I stuck with it and came away liking it enough to follow it up with TNG and then VOY. I got around to the remaining shows and movies in later rewatches of the whole lot.

I spent the better part of the pandemic with DS9 on loop, played all the video games recently, and now I’m coming up on a rewatch of DS9 in Spanish, so… it stuck.