robbing from the world

the “robbing from the world” part is what gets me… the world gives a lot to us already, why not try to make something you believe is great of it? Is it so wrong to take from something so incredible like the world and do something with it?

The world is pretty goddamn incredible, isn’t it? And terrible. Incredible and terrible and most of what happens in our lives is in between those two.

I don’t believe it is wrong. If a person is going to consider writing and make a go of it then she or he must accept that the inspiration and source for much of the work will come from the universe in which we live, where everything has happened. Natural occurences, the despair and hope of it, universal coincidences and the passage of time, nonsensical words, vagueries and statements, conversations about the weather, fleeting glances, the stares into souls, sex crimes and sex punishments, shattered molecule bonds, glorious atoms, warm little organs so safe in their cages until they face the outside world, the love of the word “love”, towers built by old men who did not expect us, the rain sheen reflecting a tragedy in dark asphalt, hidden memories, emotionless sociopathic lovers, our parents’ regrets and not their triumphs, the inevitable loss that all will face and have no idea how to process, and the billions of other things that aren’t romantic in any sense of the word and yet deserve to be recorded because someone will read about them and appreciate what has been written and said.