
“Sometimes going to the grocery store makes me feel less alone. Sometimes I’m trying to tell someone about this new opening in my life, and I end up feeling closed. When I say opening, I mean the possibility that when I feel I won’t feel like I shouldn’t feel. My body in a room with other bodies feeling me feeling my body. When I say this room I mean you. When I say you I mean make room.”

— — Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, from The Freezer Door


“Sometimes going to the grocery store makes me feel less alone. Sometimes I’m trying to tell someone about this new opening in my life, and I end up feeling closed. When I say opening, I mean the possibility that when I feel I won’t feel like I shouldn’t feel. My body in a room with other bodies feeling me feeling my body. When I say this room I mean you. When I say you I mean make room.”

— — Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, from The Freezer Door

There comes a time when we understand that our minds do not contain the firmament. But still, our hearts can grasp it.

“The Music Between the Notes” by Steven Barnes (1999)