ties of blood and water is one of my favorite ds9 episodes of all time do u remember anything from the writing process from that!!! the part where kira’s dad keeps talking about how the cardassians destroyed his garden as he died and then we see kira bury him in this like patch of rlly rough desolate ground and then when she returns to bury ghemor Its Literally A Garden . She Turned It Into A Garden . that part had me actually in tears. i love the way the cultivation of the burial plot almost mirrors the treatment of the space station imho, the way it was this like rough around the edges place but so much love ended up being put into it that it turned into a place of love and everything. and im so glad ghemor got to come back for another ep! one of my fav characters <3 you guys really did a lot of great stuff throughout the series with the themes of loss and grief!!!


“Ties of Blood and Water” was very much about me processing my own guilt for missing my mother’s death. I was at grad school in L.A. She was fighting colon cancer in S.F. The last time I called her to check on how she was feeling, she said she was feeling good and I should stay for finals week, then come home.

She died the next day.

I’ve always regretted not coming home early so I could see her one last time, and that’s the basis for that episode.

As you can imagine, it was a tough and deeply personal story to write, and I’m glad it ended up as one of your favorites.

Throughout the whole series, root beer is singled out repeatedly as an offensive human beverage.Who on the staff had in so bad against root beer? What did root beer do to them?


That would be me. Root beer is nasty.