Lots of mouthpep in this steak ‘n garlic al mojo de ajo from La Costeña. Sadly it did start to fall apart on me, but you know, perhaps I’m too quick to judge on this criterion. Who’s to say I’m not the one exercising poor burrito control, failing to keep the burrito properly bound? Who am I to expect perfection of our earthly endeavors? What of circumstance and fate? There are just times in life when the burrito cannot hold.

I had no idea that ‘chile colorado’ is that style of beef that is simmered in red sauce and tastes real good in a burrito. I’ve had this plenty of times but never connected the name with it. La Costeña’s take on it is tasty af, but I’m the kind of weirdo that doesn’t like… messy food. It’s one of the best things about a good, well-wrapped burrito. This one was unfortunately a bit messy and even led to burrito disintegration in the latter bites, so as good as this is, I’ll likely pass on it in the future.

Take 2 of the burrito I completely misjudged last week. This is the pollo encebollado from La Costeña and now that I’m certain of what kind of meat this is, I can say… it’s still just okay. It’s marinated in onion, garlic, soy sauce, lemon, and then grilled, and all of that should be amazing but it’s not coming through for me. I might come back to this one later.

Okay, I see, we’re closing in on something here. This is La Costeña’s asada burrito, and the asada is fine, but it doesn’t match that extraordinary backyard grilled asada that most places fail to live up to. Gotta have the char! But the chipotle sauce does something special with it and I think that’s what I’ve been contending with these last few days. So asada’s out but there are still many protein options to explore.