
Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México


Las carnitas son un plato y un método de cocción, ya que diversas partes del cerdo se cocinan en grasa que no excede los 100ºC durante 3 horas hasta suavizar todas las fibras y contar con una textura superficial crujiente o ligeramente dorado. Esta versión denominada en algunas zonas de la CDMX como petrolero es la combinación de dichas carnitas con algún queso fundible (en este caso tipo Oaxaca o quesillo) que al contacto con una superficie caliente se funde y mezcla perfectamente con la carne.

Es un bocado muy goloso, sensiblemente graso pero que puede equilibrarse con jugo de limón y salsas picantes como de habanero o de chiles de árbol

Servidos sobre tortilla de masa de maíz azul nixtamalizada y molida artesanalmente en la región de Hidalgo.

Periodic reminder that this taco blog is the best food blog.


Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México


Las carnitas son un plato y un método de cocción, ya que diversas partes del cerdo se cocinan en grasa que no excede los 100ºC durante 3 horas hasta suavizar todas las fibras y contar con una textura superficial crujiente o ligeramente dorado. Esta versión denominada en algunas zonas de la CDMX como petrolero es la combinación de dichas carnitas con algún queso fundible (en este caso tipo Oaxaca o quesillo) que al contacto con una superficie caliente se funde y mezcla perfectamente con la carne.

Es un bocado muy goloso, sensiblemente graso pero que puede equilibrarse con jugo de limón y salsas picantes como de habanero o de chiles de árbol

Servidos sobre tortilla de masa de maíz azul nixtamalizada y molida artesanalmente en la región de Hidalgo.

Periodic reminder that this taco blog is the best food blog.


Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México


Las carnitas son un plato y un método de cocción, ya que diversas partes del cerdo se cocinan en grasa que no excede los 100ºC durante 3 horas hasta suavizar todas las fibras y contar con una textura superficial crujiente o ligeramente dorado. Esta versión denominada en algunas zonas de la CDMX como petrolero es la combinación de dichas carnitas con algún queso fundible (en este caso tipo Oaxaca o quesillo) que al contacto con una superficie caliente se funde y mezcla perfectamente con la carne.

Es un bocado muy goloso, sensiblemente graso pero que puede equilibrarse con jugo de limón y salsas picantes como de habanero o de chiles de árbol

Servidos sobre tortilla de masa de maíz azul nixtamalizada y molida artesanalmente en la región de Hidalgo.

Periodic reminder that this taco blog is the best food blog.


Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México


Las carnitas son un plato y un método de cocción, ya que diversas partes del cerdo se cocinan en grasa que no excede los 100ºC durante 3 horas hasta suavizar todas las fibras y contar con una textura superficial crujiente o ligeramente dorado. Esta versión denominada en algunas zonas de la CDMX como petrolero es la combinación de dichas carnitas con algún queso fundible (en este caso tipo Oaxaca o quesillo) que al contacto con una superficie caliente se funde y mezcla perfectamente con la carne.

Es un bocado muy goloso, sensiblemente graso pero que puede equilibrarse con jugo de limón y salsas picantes como de habanero o de chiles de árbol

Servidos sobre tortilla de masa de maíz azul nixtamalizada y molida artesanalmente en la región de Hidalgo.

Periodic reminder that this taco blog is the best food blog.

Five Stars or Nothing

Got a lot of negative thoughts brewing as I reduce the amount of food I eat. There’s this watch clamped onto my wrist recording all sorts of data. It’s hot outside. I’ve got a headache. It’s taking a whole lot of will to not go out into the deep night in search of something savory. All I can think is, “This is not enjoyable. This is pointless. Death’ll come along and this’ll all mean jack shit.”

It’s the being in the world that makes it more difficult. Being outside with the options. I need less options, no choice. It’d be a pretty damn manageable situation if I had two solid weeks in which to be alone, locked up in a dry house with one boring type of food and some water. Misery under controlled conditions. A screeching reset. But I’m in the world and there’s no getting out of it. Every evening, on that long stretch between work and home, it’s the purest hatred. Hatred for success and failure. For feeling good and feeling like shit.

And for anyone who achieves balance. They can get the fuck out of here.

When it’s the one or the other and brain chemistry demands satisfaction, pleasure will win every time. So the hell with pleasure. Just the hell with it. My brain’ll get along.

Five Stars or Nothing

Got a lot of negative thoughts brewing as I reduce the amount of food I eat. There’s this watch clamped onto my wrist recording all sorts of data. It’s hot outside. I’ve got a headache. It’s taking a whole lot of will to not go out into the deep night in search of something savory. All I can think is, “This is not enjoyable. This is pointless. Death’ll come along and this’ll all mean jack shit.”

It’s the being in the world that makes it more difficult. Being outside with the options. I need less options, no choice. It’d be a pretty damn manageable situation if I had two solid weeks in which to be alone, locked up in a dry house with one boring type of food and some water. Misery under controlled conditions. A screeching reset. But I’m in the world and there’s no getting out of it. Every evening, on that long stretch between work and home, it’s the purest hatred. Hatred for success and failure. For feeling good and feeling like shit.

And for anyone who achieves balance. They can get the fuck out of here.

When it’s the one or the other and brain chemistry demands satisfaction, pleasure will win every time. So the hell with pleasure. Just the hell with it. My brain’ll get along.

A single white hair broke away from my beard and floated to the tile floor

I backslid last night. I do that and sometimes for months at a time. A double bacon cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich, some egg rolls, chicken pita (with cheese, gross), breakfast burrito, and breakfast biscuit. By my count that’s enough food for six people. I almost didn’t type it out. Failures don’t occupy my conscious mind but they do pile up in some corner outside my field of view. How much before it it can’t be ignored?

Progress ground to a halt. No weight loss over three days despite restricted meals. Maybe it was that discouragement that did it. It was certainly that I was out past 10:00 PM. Not quite too late. A time of night when thoughts are loud and I don’t want to be alone with them.

I hear and see people talk about the gym as a simple part of their day. Running is popular. When I say “Oh man, I wish, I hope, someday, maybe,” they say, “It’s just, do it, one step, that’s all,” and no part of it connects. Not one word. I think though I hear them I may not be listening.

Of course, this is only one day. It happens. I will be home early tonight and for the rest of the week. I will go for long hikes this weekend as I did the last. If I can rely on anything it’s bursts of droning discipline.

A single white hair broke away from my beard and floated to the tile floor

I backslid last night. I do that and sometimes for months at a time. A double bacon cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich, some egg rolls, chicken pita (with cheese, gross), breakfast burrito, and breakfast biscuit. By my count that’s enough food for six people. I almost didn’t type it out. Failures don’t occupy my conscious mind but they do pile up in some corner outside my field of view. How much before it it can’t be ignored?

Progress ground to a halt. No weight loss over three days despite restricted meals. Maybe it was that discouragement that did it. It was certainly that I was out past 10:00 PM. Not quite too late. A time of night when thoughts are loud and I don’t want to be alone with them.

I hear and see people talk about the gym as a simple part of their day. Running is popular. When I say “Oh man, I wish, I hope, someday, maybe,” they say, “It’s just, do it, one step, that’s all,” and no part of it connects. Not one word. I think though I hear them I may not be listening.

Of course, this is only one day. It happens. I will be home early tonight and for the rest of the week. I will go for long hikes this weekend as I did the last. If I can rely on anything it’s bursts of droning discipline.


Carnes Ahumadas Concepción
Entrada Carretera Federal Cancún – Mérida
Temozón, Yucatán


El chorizo yucateco no es una versión común de embutidos, ni tampoco es algo que se encuentre como parte del repertorio tradicional. Se trata de una versión elaborada por los propietarios del establecimiento que aprovecharon sus conocimientos en la carne de cerdo para realizar embutidos de cerdo mezclado con recado negro, que es una mezcla de chiles secos locales incinerados hasta hacerlos cenizas, y luego molidos con cebolla, especias y sal hasta formar una pasta suave de intensidad negra única en el mundo.

La carne molida de cerdo se macera con este recado negro y posteriormente se embute en tripa natural. Para cocinarse, se ahuma en los mismos hornos utilizados para la carne seca, con maderas de la región, y el resultado es un embutido de sabores profundos, con muchísima fuerza aromática, de notas ligeramente terrosas por la acción de la cenizas, y de notas reconocibles como inconfundiblemente yucatecas.

This is the best food blog. The photos capture the food well but it’s the writing I really dig. My Spanish is rusty but it’s clear that the author puts great care into his descriptions of the food, as well as a cultural and geographical context for each meal.

This item in particular–black chorizo–seems like something that should of course exist, but I’ve never seen it! Common chorizo is variations of splotchy red, and the chorizo (or longaniza) from my family’s hometown in Jalisco is also red.

The black recado is a fascinating ingredient. Local chiles charred until they’re ash. I can imagine the flavor but this compels me to travel there and check it out myself.


Carnes Ahumadas Concepción
Entrada Carretera Federal Cancún – Mérida
Temozón, Yucatán


El chorizo yucateco no es una versión común de embutidos, ni tampoco es algo que se encuentre como parte del repertorio tradicional. Se trata de una versión elaborada por los propietarios del establecimiento que aprovecharon sus conocimientos en la carne de cerdo para realizar embutidos de cerdo mezclado con recado negro, que es una mezcla de chiles secos locales incinerados hasta hacerlos cenizas, y luego molidos con cebolla, especias y sal hasta formar una pasta suave de intensidad negra única en el mundo.

La carne molida de cerdo se macera con este recado negro y posteriormente se embute en tripa natural. Para cocinarse, se ahuma en los mismos hornos utilizados para la carne seca, con maderas de la región, y el resultado es un embutido de sabores profundos, con muchísima fuerza aromática, de notas ligeramente terrosas por la acción de la cenizas, y de notas reconocibles como inconfundiblemente yucatecas.

This is the best food blog. The photos capture the food well but it’s the writing I really dig. My Spanish is rusty but it’s clear that the author puts great care into his descriptions of the food, as well as a cultural and geographical context for each meal.

This item in particular–black chorizo–seems like something that should of course exist, but I’ve never seen it! Common chorizo is variations of splotchy red, and the chorizo (or longaniza) from my family’s hometown in Jalisco is also red.

The black recado is a fascinating ingredient. Local chiles charred until they’re ash. I can imagine the flavor but this compels me to travel there and check it out myself.