
Egypt’s 4000-year-old Lahun pyramid

Senusret II Pyramid at El Lahun, Fayoum, Egypt.

pyramid was built during the reign of 12th dynasty pharaoh Senusret II, who ruled Egypt from 1897 B.C.

#iregipto #egyptpassion #mbplanet #history #historic #pyramids #lahunpyramid

I was having a tough time picturing what this may have looked like in its heyday, then I discovered this amazing video that visualizes the structure and explains its construction and intricacies.


‘Ipet-Sut’ (“Karnak”), the highly sacred Precinct of the God Amon-Ra at ‘Uaset’-Thebes (“Karnak”):
view from the Entrance-Gate of the Sixth Pylon toward the Central Bark Shrine located within the “Palace of Maat”.
To the left (north), the heraldic pillar of Lower Egypt; to the right (south), the heraldic pillar of Upper Egypt