Bart vs. My Hopes & Dreams by goodolvic

Bart vs. My Hopes & Dreams by goodolvic

Bart vs. My Hopes & Dreams by goodolvic

Bart vs. My Hopes & Dreams by goodolvic


It’s live! The first book about every Simpsons game ever is now available on It’s pay-what-you-want so I appreciate any support you can send my way, but feel free to just grab it if you’re curious. The games are a real doozy.

In which I sheepishly remind you that I wrote a book and it would be ever so wonderful if you read it. It’s ostensibly about Simpsons video games but turned into a memoir as happens ‘round these parts.



hey i’ve got a fun game for you all! it’s called “guess what the hell this animal from a roman mosaic is”!

we have a winner!

fun fact: torpedo is the latin word for numbness, so the torpedo (or eyed electric ray) is named after its shock!

Does anyone else fantasize about laying down elaborate floor mosaics for the express purpose of burying them?



hey i’ve got a fun game for you all! it’s called “guess what the hell this animal from a roman mosaic is”!

we have a winner!

fun fact: torpedo is the latin word for numbness, so the torpedo (or eyed electric ray) is named after its shock!

Does anyone else fantasize about laying down elaborate floor mosaics for the express purpose of burying them?