New Horror 2023 – Day 7

“He strains forward out of his darkness; he reaches toward us out of his mystery; he makes us dim signs out of his horror.”

“The Real Right Thing” by Henry James (1899)

That’s a new spin on spooky spirits. What would they have to say about our information age?


“Chickadees are tough birds, Ma’am.”

“Chickadee!” by Aya Rothwell (2016)

Well, maybe there are worse horrors to tamp down our species, but death by cute creature would be some kinda comeuppance.


“Lean in a little when you serve ‘em, darlin’, ey?”

The Royal Hotel dir. Kitty Green (2023)

A lowkey sort of terror that some are tuned into and some are not, but it sure does remind me why I don’t like spending any time in bars.