New Fiction 2020 – February

“Dcera (Daughter)” dir. Daria Kashcheeva (2019)

The narrative also isn’t clear from the get-go although the title should’ve clued me in.

“Hair Love” dir. Matthew A. Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver (2019)

Oh no, I cry.

“Kitbull” dir. Kathryn Hendrickson & Rosana Sullivan (2019)

Humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.

“Mémorable” dir. Bruno Collet (2019)

This is just so gotdang beautiful, I tell you what. There but for the grace of god.

“Sister” dir. Siqi Song (2018)

We take many liberties for granted.

“Henrietta Bulkowski” dir. Rachel Johnson (2019)

I want what she wanted, more or less. The way in which it’s told is accordingly hopeful.

“The Bird and the Whale” dir. Carol Freeman (2018)

So… much… work. Give her all the awards.

“Hors Piste” dir. Léo Brunel, Camille Jalabert, Loris Cavalier, Oscar Malet (2018)

This is just stupid fun, which is sometimes the good and proper course.

“Maestro” dir. Florian Babikian & Victor Caire (2019)

Good animals, but Grickle has ruined my expectations for musical critters.

“A Sister” dir. Delphine Girald (2018)


“Brotherhood” dir. Meryam Joobeur (2018)

God, you see it coming and it’s still a kick in the teeth.

“Nefta Football Club” dir. Yves Piat (2018)

Funniest fucking short of the year! But how.

“Saria” dir. Bryan Buckley (2019)

Did I mention that humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.

“The Neighbors’ Window” dir. Marshall Curry (2019)

A slow burn and reminder of the inevitable… so enjoy what you can, while you can.

“Papers, Please – The Short Film” dir. Nikita Ordynskiy (2018)

The most stressful moment of Papers, Please is now the most stressful short film.

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) dir. Cathy Yan (2020)

Best DC movie outta the whole lot. Give all these characters more screen time.

1917 dir. Sam Mendes (2020)

I hate that the ads spoiled which characters would make it to the end. But yes, war, what the fuck is it good for.

Sonic The Hedgehog dir. Jeff Fowler (2020)

Get Sonic outta that human world and back into his critterverse, just do it. But keep Robotnik.