New Fiction 2020 – December

Spider-Man: The City that Never Sleeps dev. Insomniac Games (2018)

A short trip through a boring underworld.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales dev. Insomniac Games (2020)

A short trip through the pains of separation that should have been much longer.

Tomorrow Never Dies dir. Roger Spottiswoode (1997)

Billionaire heads of global conglomerates are living in a dream.

The World Is Not Enough dir. Michael Apted (1999)

How do you follow Michelle Yeoh with Denise Richards? It feels unfair.

Die Another Day dir. Lee Tamahori (2002)

The brief beginnings of the traumatized Bond.

Quantum of Solace dir. Marc Forster (2008)

Vengeance is a good focal point. A single beam in space until the moment of desired catharsis, then refraction.

Skyfall dir. Sam Mendes (2012)

Transfixed by Bérénice Marlohe and the amber-lit club sequence.

Spectre dir. Sam Mendes (2015)

The children pay for the sins of the father.

Just Another Christmas dir. Roberto Santucci (2020)

Blink of a holiday.

A California Christmas dir. Shaun Piccinino (2020)

Would you like some more of this California wine?

Soul dir. Pete Docter (2020)

Good but for the transfiguration problem.

The Good Place – Season 4 (2019-2020)

Chidi and Eleanor lounging at sunset.

BoJack Horseman – Seasons 5-6 (2018-2020)

BoJack and Sarah Lynn at the planetarium.

House of Cards – Seasons 5-6 (2017-2018)

For the sake of completion.