Hi Neil! (Apologies if you’ve already received this— resending bc our wifi was in and out last night). You recently responded to an ask that I sent of my now 4 year-old’s drawing of Coraline and said you loved her art (something she tells everyone now (and us too)). On Tuesday we took her to see Coraline for her first ever movie theater experience. She loved every second of being there and asked if she could watch Coraline again as soon as we got home. Her outfit was a big hit with the other attendees, too. We think she encapsulated Coraline’s personality perfectly in this photo, and she asked that we share this with you. As always, thank you for all you do and especially for helping us create these joyous memories with our little one!


Perfect! I’m so glad Laika have re-released it into cinemas, for people like her. She looks fabulous.