half-awake notes

It’s interesting that people get excited over obtaining someone’s—anyone’s—number.

I never compliment a girl on her ass unless it is with the utmost, heartfelt sincerity.

It upsets me to be told I should marry a trophy wife. Fuck you.

Trophy wives are anything but.

Marriage is having someone to help complete puzzles in the morning.

Forever. (Forever).

Marriage is creepy, in some senses.

The sense of smell is most alert during sex.

Touch me.

Do you really want to hurt. Me. (Do you).

It’s alright I’m a male shield.

The testosterone is strong with this one.

A Frenchman lives on an island, alone, for decades.

Willpower is utter defiance. Stubbornness.

There must be a disorder for that.

There’s a disorder for everything.

Can OCD be a disorder?

Can a disorder be OC?

Psychology is academic.

People are multi-layered neural organisms capable of atrocities and niceties.

I could stand to learn about atrocities.

Don’t trust niceties.

But I do trust.
