
The ocean is to the west and deserts are to the east. Driving distance.

A fast food joint every five minutes. The road to ruin lies around thee.

Cooking as necessity is simple. Art requires continuous traversal.

Love is work. Precious.

Work is loved. Necessary.

Needs are met. Square zero.

Billions upon billions of souls. Square one.

No challenge in coupling. All the forms of courtship.

You: are adored and cared for. No discussion.

You: relish discussion. Speak the words at the tip of your mind.

You: call me on complacency and indifference. Bullshit.

You: adore being eaten out. Crave it. Be hurt when I do not.

You: swallow or present yourself as providence demands. Inherent.

You: demand the best of me. The bad, the good.

The good life is a matter of effort. Physical.

Form follows function. Where the body goes.

It’s going to come to an end. Inevitability is comfort.

Comfort is complacency. Next.