Do you keep everything? I do if it’s something that doesn’t take up physical space. This blog is a perfect example. None of this takes up any physical space in my life, but here it all is. I painstakingly reconstructed something I permanently deleted years ago because the thought of losing that process of existence really bothered me. (Getting rid of it all was a decision of passion.) I even copied paper notes from over a decade ago into this place so that it may all be gathered together. I’ll occasionally review things written over time to get a sense of where I was. Most often, the state of mind at the time is a wonder. What was one thinking at a given time? I recall the feeling, but not the thinking.

To protect myself from myself, this is all automatically backed up in a separate, private location, so that my passion or the end of Tumblr will not cause me to lose this all again.

I also keep private notes in an app called Evernote. I know they will not actually be there evermore, so I’ve pondered backing it all up as well. There are always methods.