Did you know

Did you know that neutrinos are particles so small and so fast that they travel at nearly the speed of light (300,000 km/s) and pass through most objects with ease, even White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (but not black holes because there are always limits)? Did you know that there are over 50 trillion solar neutrinos passing through you this very second, and 50 trillion more this second, and another 100 trillion or so in this couple of seconds?

Did you know that you, along with all other objects that are gravitationally bound to Earth, are moving through space at nearly 108,000 km/hour and simultaneously spinning around at 1,000 km/hour?

Did you know that despite the seeming stuckness of life, the universe (I’m talking the physical universe here, not the spiritual one (that I know even less about)) is ever moving, always changing, and never, ever at a standstill?

Did you know that in ten years you will be you, having traveled further than you will ever know, and understanding that the ten years between now and then were more than you could ever comprehend?