cash and points

The notion of value in a relationship is flawed. It forces a constant evaluation of the health of a relationship based on monetary terms like “worth” and “investment,” which is so skewed a concept that it causes me physical pressure in my skull. It needn’t be about high yield, low cost investments. It makes more sense for a relationship to be about compatibility and the exploration of that which brings us together and rends us, no matter how common or unique that compatibility may be.

We ain’t stacks of fucking cash or piles of points, is my point.

This line of thinking is leading me somewhere. At face value it means that I will not play into relationships in which someone else feels their value is higher or lower; be it intimate, a friend, a subordinate or higher-up. It means that even if I am a dominant personality, I am not superior. I am still coming to terms with the reality that this is a fundamental incompatibility between myself and many people who I will come into contact with. I won’t be impolite, of course. But don’t expect more than a surface glance of my being.