“So you don’t have one?”

“No, I do. Just hold on.”

We’d wriggled our way onto the bed at the bow and had removed all but my socks. She had the most beautiful stretch marks across her breasts. My mind was on tracing the lines with my tongue. The inebriation and her enthusiastic oral assault on my penis had caused me to lose focus on all but the next moment when she asked me. I even pondered the question before I remembered why it’s necessary.

I’d only managed to poorly arrange my belongings in the rush to lighten the load on the jeep. Everything was in garbage bags, grocery store bags, duffle bags. I had bottles of beer mixed in among envelopes and soap. Literally dozens of keys—you’d be surprised at the number of locks I keep—all scattered next to the hot plate. I tried not to appear in a panic as I moved among the piles. I rifled my hands through some paper towels and finally found the tiny box beneath a crossword book. A box of three gold-wrapped condoms, two to go.

I held them in view of her impatient gaze.

“Told you.”

“Hm, good. A girl could freeze waiting for you to sort this mess.”

I made note of the meaning of what she said then tossed her the box.

“Start unwrapping.”

I met her—my first Courtney—at the harbor bar. I’d only stopped in to scope out the place and find out if they had Wi-Fi. She sat next to me. Proximity and courage-driven charm kicked in. It only took a mention of where I lived to bring her in.

“It’s out. What’re you doing?”

“Just closing the hatch.”

I peered out through the opening and saw that the parking lot was nearly empty, but I could still hear the revelers at the bar. Kayaks laid dormant on the beach. I was naked as a plucked chicken. The evening mistbreeze whipped against me.

I stepped back in and shut the door. I stumbled as I removed my socks, ducked my head, and went back into the fray. We were nestled in our nest of my old clothes and blankets. Her fingers hurriedly and nimbly slipped it on.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I said. I moved her leg. Her mouth parted in approval.