




Just an FYI for those in the US with insurance issues

Important information! Insurance coverage decisions are made by medically ignorant bean-counters. Until we can dismantle the whole shitty system, know how to scare them into submission.

This is like that procedure Mr. Incredible told that old lady

Reblogging for visibility

[Image Description: Text:
Medical Hack:
So, your doctor ordered a test or treatment and your insurance company denied it. That is a typical cost saving method.
Okay, here is what you do:

  1. Call the insurance company and tell them you want to speak with the “HIPPA Compliance/Privacy Officer” (By federal law, they have to have one)
  2. Then ask them for Names as well as Credentials of every person Accessing Your Record to make that decision of denial. By law you have a Right to that informantion.
  3. They will almost always Reverse the Decision very shortly rather than admit that the committee is made of low paid H.S. Graduates, looking at all “criteria words,” making the decision to deny your care. Even in the rare case it is made by medical personel, it is unlikely that it is made by a board cerified doctor in that specialty and they Do Not Want You to Know This!
  4. Any refusal should be reported to the U.S. Office of Civil Rights ( as a HIPPA violation.
    Description ends]






There really is only like 5 cities in the us that actually look like the top pic and even then its like ten blocks of their downtown

non-americans y’all have no idea how accurate this is. every time i see the bottom pic i think it’s my hometown for a second

And by and large you never see that reality in movies, like they either take place in a dense urban area or in intensely rural communities with little commercial development and two lane roads. If you do see a suburban development it’s never connected to anything larger, you’ll see the bland houses on a twisty street with no outlets, but not the 6 lane county road lined with corporate franchises and huge parking lots where everyone shops and does business. We need more movies that use our crappy suburban sprawl as a character, highlighting the alienation and discontent it brings.

I was at Goodwill yesterday framed by the duplexes and the abandoned looking areas of the strip mall and it made me think about people in the future posting Aesthetic photos of American decay like people post aesthetic photos of disused post-soviet apartment buildings and shit



Hayes: If Biden’s Speech Sounded Divisive And Extreme, Here’s Why

Chris Hayes: “Some level of division is necessary when there is a conflict of this magnitude between two parties. One party wants to preserve the democratic constitutional order of our American democracy.”

This is a “Weimar Republic” moment for the U.S. 

The Germans during the Weimar Republic were far too complacent as Hitler’s fascism crept into their political discourse. 

We cannot repeat the mistakes they made. 

It is time to sound the alarm. 

The Republican party, in making the demagogue Trump the center of their party, in scapegoating Blacks, other racial/ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, and women who believe they have a right to privacy and control of their own bodies, has gone full neo-fascist.  

It’s really that simple. 

Biden, in true Harry Truman fashion, merely told the truth.

Of course it is going to be “divisive.” 

It should be. 

There is no negotiating with fascists.