New Horror 2023 – Day 23

“A scripture that would begin in apocalypse and lead its disciple to the wreck of all creation.”

“Vastarien” by Thomas Ligotti (1987)

Ohh, is the forbidden book/knowledge really a Lovecraft thing? Because I’d call it a biblical thing. In any case, here’s another one, and this one definitely has that unsettling sense of some creepy or forbidden world just beneath the veneer of our own reality. It has the same vibe as Mad God [compliment].


“Can’t he see it’s already dead?”

“The Horror Beneath” by Leah Moore, John Reppion, Timothy Green II, Michelle Madsen, Nate Piekos (2006)

Oh man, another comic that sets up an intriguing story but is way too short. This is a kind of terror I don’t see as much, just that warning we all know and don’t heed about digging too greedily and too deep.


“So don’t you know, she had to die… she had to die.”

Slumber Party Massacre II dir. Deborah Brock (1987)

What is… happening. I knew this movie well from the many gifs I’ve seen of key scenes featuring that guy with the drill guitar, but that stuff doesn’t even happen until 85% of the way into the movie. In other words, it’s mostly Slumber Party before it gets to Massacre, and it’s also a musical, and it’s all nonsensical but it still works.