Well, I’m not interested in being your friend or listening to your troubles, you know, John? Usually I do most of the talking on these calls. And I wouldn’t listen to people tell their troubles all day for any amount of money. That does not strike me as my idea of having a good time. That does not sound like a good time at all to me.

“1-900” by Richard Baucsh (2003)

Well, I’m not interested in being your friend or listening to your troubles, you know, John? Usually I do most of the talking on these calls. And I wouldn’t listen to people tell their troubles all day for any amount of money. That does not strike me as my idea of having a good time. That does not sound like a good time at all to me.

“1-900” by Richard Baucsh (2003)

Some wordless part of him understood that this was it, and all his talk had come to nothing: all the questions she had asked him, and everything he had told her—it was all completely useless. This was going to happen to him, and it wouldn’t mean anything; it would just be what happened.

“The Man Who Knew Belle Starr” by Richard Bausch

Some wordless part of him understood that this was it, and all his talk had come to nothing: all the questions she had asked him, and everything he had told her—it was all completely useless. This was going to happen to him, and it wouldn’t mean anything; it would just be what happened.

“The Man Who Knew Belle Starr” by Richard Bausch