

Howdy everyone! Some exciting news: I’m doing a stint at The Nation this month writing biweekly design columns. In this first one, I’ve done my best to expand on an earlier McMansion Hell post in order to answer the defining question of our time: why the hell is everything greige now?

“[…] this is a shame, as aesthetic eccentricity is one of the only things that make wealthy people even remotely interesting.” you are the most correct person on earth actually


I don’t know why this home is so cheap, but it looks like a bargain to me, and it also has one extremely cool feature. According to Google, Saginaw has a

growing economy, outstanding healthcare, low cost of living, award-winning schools, and diverse housing options. It also has a vibrant, big-city feel with small city expenses and charm.

Keep reading

I would move to Saginaw so fast.