New Horror 2023 – Day 19

“Always someone loving some thing more than that thing
loves them.”

“The Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury (1951)

Okay, now I get it when someone says their only love is the sea.


“It reaches in, plucking the shadow of the axe hanging in the window…”

“Shadow of Death” by William M. Gaines, Al Feldstein, Graham Ingels (1953)

That’s the stuff. Some asshole comes along and gets murdered for his transgression. It’s maybe worrisome how much I enjoy that aspect of the EC Comics stories… but that’s fiction for ya.


“When in doubt, skewer it out.”

Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls dir. Andrew Bowser (2023)

I really enjoyed this! It takes the skit character comedy of something like Ernest Scared Stupid, throws in some real good VFX and puppets, and adds the gravitas of greats like Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs to give the cast some oomf, but everyone they got was perfect in their roles.