New Horror 2023 – Day 22

“What most of them really needed was a good long drink of arsenic, as far as I was concerned.”

“Black Bargain” by Robert Bloch (1942)

This is supposed to be tied to Lovecraft mythology stuff, and I suppose there’s an element of the unknowable horrors here, but it just comes across as a good spooky demon story.


“She was interested in his skin.”

“A Dog and His Boy” by Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer, Jill Thompson, Jason Arthur (2006)

I love this! It’s got a human in it but it’s mostly from the point of view of some dogs in a suburb, and that’s a perspective I long for. Just keep those humans on the sidelines and tell me what the animals are thinking, because sometimes…


“Do you happen to have a pair of birds that are just friendly?”

The Birds dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1963)

Sometimes the birds are absolutely terrifying. I mean, they’re dinosaurs. Those clawed feet and sharp beaks are no joke. This one’s a tougher watch when you know Hitchcock was an obsessive weirdo toward the blonde actresses he loved to cast.

Ten more days of spooky fiction! Where does the time go?