New Horror 2023 – Day 10

“For Mr. Bessel was not the only human soul in that place.”

“The Stolen Body” by H.G. Wells (1903)

There’s this whole spiritualism angle in stories from this time. Those Victorians just had to know what kinds of spooky stuff was out there, probably in defiance of (or in concert with) scientific rationale that was overtaking society.


“It weeps a foggy fluid when pressed, even gently.”

“A Pretty Place” by Emily Carroll (2023)

Describing a fluid as “foggy” just conjures up some gnarly imagery, and of course it helps that it’s part of a comic with lots of gnarly imagery. Truly, Emily Carroll can do no wrong.


“You know I know, don’t you, Bonnie?”

The Godsend dir. Gabrielle Beaumont (1980)

What in the sam hill. I bet this was in the wake of the mid-70s “kids are monsters” craze.


“Watching you… cradle under the star…”

Clock Tower dev. Human Entertainment (1995)

The tension here is singular. No weapons, no fighting back, simply running and hiding in an environment rife with decay. This is an absolute gem of the era and it’s good to see it’s getting remastered soon.