New Horror 2023 – Day 18

“The blood left a silvery trail in the moonlight.”

“The Village Spectre” by Gianna G. Maniego (2002)

We needed a shot of folk horror this month. I’m not sure how common it is these days but those ghost stories about a local person done wrong just don’t seem to come up as much, at least not in places I frequent. That’s what experiencing most stories from the library and movies will get ya.


“They used to eat guys’ private parts.”

“Man’s World” by Keith Giffen, Mary Sangiovanni, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes, Taylor Esposito (2017)

I was really intrigued by this book, an anthology of horror stories based on DC superhero characters. This one doesn’t explain much, in particular why this character does what she does when she’s possessed, but it’s still a great twist on the fact that superpowered people with benevolent intentions can still do some fucked up stuff. (Oh, I just remembered The Boys and Brightburn.)


“Doubt her and there’ll be no pain when she’s gone.”

Embrace of the Vampire dir. Anne Goursaud (1995)

I forgot that Alyssa Milano had this stint of erotic-ish movies and TV episodes (she had a similar role but with aliens instead of vampires in an episode of The Outer Limits). It’s a fairly bare bones story meant to prop up some steamy scenes between Milano and various other cast members, and I can’t say I’d recommend it unless you’re just a fan of 90s-era extra softcore sex scenes.