New Horror 2023 – Day 16

“There was something in me that was—was simply gibbering with delight.”

“Shambleau” by C.L. Moore (1933)

Thrills indeed. This guy was down to get familiar, but it turns out that’s not such a great idea. Lots of great detail in describing their liaison, too.


“Really, no one can get enough.”

“Dental Plan” by Joy San (2019)

Whoa, that’s a creepy story. I like when you’re not quite sure what the thing is, but it sure is a thing.


“Like all of you, she dreamed that one day a lover would come and claim her.”

A Night to Dismember (The Lost Version) dir. Doris Wishman (1979)

I didn’t realize it until I sat down to try and watch this, but there’s a released version of this movie from the eighties which ended up on VHS and is one of those so bad ya gotta see it sorta movies, evidently caused by numerous production woes and years of editing. The original 1979 version was lost to time until it was rediscovered on a VHS tape and uploaded to YouTube in 2018 as you see it here. I watched the first few minutes of the original release and it’s such a different movie that they need to be categorized separately. This lost version is… fine. Low budget and jumpy editing, but it feels like a much more coherent slasher movie than what I was seeing in the original release.