


evolution is so funny bro animals were really out here kitting themselves out with giant tusks and horns and claws anything that could make them a living gore machine. but the dumb monkey who evolved to walk incredibly long distances without getting tired or overheating won

if you got a phat ass ur a higher level of being


Favorite way of dealing with time travel paradoxes?

Predestination paradox / causal loop


Timeline protection

Rewriting history

Other / See Results

Predestination paradox / causal loop: The timeline is fixed and anything that happens due to time travel interference has always happened. A man goes back in time and accidentally introduces his parents resulting in his birth. Nothing changed.

Multiverse: Any interference / paradoxes that arise from time travel result in an infinite number of universes created. A man goes back in time and results in his parents never meeting. He is never born but continues to live out his life in this new timeline.

Timeline protection: There is only one timeline and all / major events are fixed. The Universe will interfere and stop any changes from happening. A man goes back in time and tries to keep his parents from meeting. Through a series of shenanigans they wind up meeting regardless and he is conceived and born as expected.

Rewriting history: There is only one timeline but it is changeable. But watch out. A man goes back in time and prevents his parents from meeting. Because he is never born, he vanishes from existence.

Interpret the question however you like, whether it’s how you prefer media to interpret it or how you think it would actually work!