
Annabel Faustin.

Marvelous works by French artist Annabel Faustin.

Of her work, she paints “portraits of peaceful sleeping characters, a way to express her own tiredness,”

“From one painting to another, Annabel entered in a visual dream where she created a common visual language : clouds passing by, phones reflecting quiet skies, windows opened on Provence landscapes where she grew up, and always huge round characters, with comforting gestures and expressions. Inspired by her deep dreams and souvenirs, her aim is to create positive and soft pictures to answer the anxiety of our modern society.”



There’s so much to unpack here:

  • Pack of Beakers
  • Goth Beaker
  • The Beaker snitching and pointing out the photographer
  • The Beaker that’s about to unload on the photographer
  • The terminator strut before the ass whooping and you know he’s moving at speed because of the blur
  • The ominous feeling that you know this is 3 in the morning