

~ “Progress”1915 editorial cartoon

Society despairs of the Modern Woman, 1915 style

History geek note: Now I’m imagining an editorial cartoon from 1615 comparing “Ye Moderne Bible Reading Woman” with the good, old-fashioned women from 1315 who didn’t insist on learning to read the bible for themselves but were content to have a learned Man of the Church interpret it for them. I’d try drawing it myself if I could draw anything other then stick figures.

it took 300 years but women could finally wear pants without being burned as witches, agc.

Attn @beatonna



~ “Progress”1915 editorial cartoon

Society despairs of the Modern Woman, 1915 style

History geek note: Now I’m imagining an editorial cartoon from 1615 comparing “Ye Moderne Bible Reading Woman” with the good, old-fashioned women from 1315 who didn’t insist on learning to read the bible for themselves but were content to have a learned Man of the Church interpret it for them. I’d try drawing it myself if I could draw anything other then stick figures.

it took 300 years but women could finally wear pants without being burned as witches, agc.

Attn @beatonna