


US people with disabilities in the supplemental security income (SSI) program can’t have a penny over $2K in their bank account at any time in order to keep their benefits.

You know this economy. That amount is completely unlivable & makes it hard for people with disability to save for the future or have a safety net for emergencies.

A new bill would raise the max to $10K (or $20K for married couples). It would make a world of difference.

Show support, sign this petition.

The SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act is in the Senate RIGHT NOW. Contact your elected officials and tell them they must support it!

its so easy to sign and support people with disabilities!! go go go!!!




Me: “Do you like…Star Trek?”

**shouts of agreement**

Me: “Do you like…Lord of the Rings?”

**shouts of agreement**

Me: “Then have I got a show for you! A show that combines the space opera and humanistic philosophy of the best Star Trek with the mythopoeic awe of Tolkien’s legendarium–”

**someone in the crowd shouts “Tell us the name!”**

Me: “…BABYLON 5!”

**dead silence**

Me: “…I said ‘Bab–’”

**mutters of polite excuse as the crowd rapidly filters out**



Archaeology can be

– Getting enough proof for the Department of Transportation that the local tribes are correct, there is an ancient burial site there, the DoT cannot thus build the highway there

– Identifying and cataloguing mass graves that the government claims does not exist and assisting with both identification and reuniting remains with surviving loved ones

– Investigating impacts of climate anomalies on premodern agricultural communities, which helps other climate scientists with their models

– Rescuing sites from natural disasters or wars and helping local authorities safely take possession of artifacts

– Assisting with locating and disposing of old munitions

And so forth.

Archaeology is actually a pretty hard science. It is an applied science, and it has multiple applications. Most archaeologists are effectively grossly underpaid manual laborers during dig seasons, and it’s not 1912 anymore. There are codified ethical standards. If you take a bone home from a dig without proper custody you will never work in the field again.