

This is Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy and fault.

Don’t forget Obama, who in 2008 had the chance to codify the Right to Choose act (which was one of his campaign promises) but didn’t.

Don’t forget when Democrats stood around and let Republicans postpone the appointment of a new supreme court justice until Trump was in office.

Don’t forget when the leak happened and they voted to protect Supreme Court Justices from protestors.

Democrats will try to blame this on Republicans and the Evangelical Fascist Right. But they’re guilty too. They stood by and watched, hoping to use this as campaign fodder in the Midterms.



to my fellow usamericans….in light of the supreme court overturning roe v wade, well known organizations like planned parenthood dont need your money right now – they have plenty – if you’re going to donate, donate to your local or state abortion funds

the national network of abortion funds allows you to split your donation between 91 abortion funds in the united states –  it lists every fund your donation goes to and allows you to customize the amount you give to each fund


fuck this handmaids tale country.

And put a term limit on these people. Getting appointed to any government office for life is absolutely nuts. I don’t care where they fall ideologically, no one should get appointed and spend decades into their elder years dictating law and policy (or tearing it down).

The twitch economy is wild. The UI has to hold up so much infrastructure and I imagine it’s a ton of administration for streamers to set everything up and keep it all working.

Just… so much work.