The california style burrito from Una Mas has the soft fries and it’s been so long since I ate one of these that I don’t remember if I like that or not. I’ll need to compare and contrast with other CA ritos, for research. But this one also has a ranchero chipotle sauce that doesn’t quite come through. It makes it kinda bland and I gotsta have flavor.

Back on that daily burrito habit thanks to a generous employer stipend. #burritoprivilege

First up is a tour of what Una Mas has to offer. This is the foghead burrito and I can’t say what in the sam hill is up with the tortilla. The BBQ sauce makes it a sweet ‘n savory affair and as someone who goes for pineapple on pizza, it’s not an immediate dealbreaker. I’m gonna ruminate on this one.


A friend of mine challenged me to design a burrito-holding-assistant so that one can go hands-free mid-burrito if necessary without the burrito falling over and spilling its contents.  So I printed a 30-minute prototype.

Product design, baby.