Interactive Marketing – Vivendi Games – 2005-2006
Some games sell themselves. Most need help.
Although a short part of my career on paper, the year and a half that I spent in the Interactive Marketing department of Vivendi Games was formative. I rapidly moved along the ladder from intern to coordinator to associate manager, and the sudden responsibility helped shaped my capabilities. It also sharpened my strengths, namely a willingness to learn what I need to learn in order to complete a particular task.
The work varied from creating ad banners and updating websites to managing the online marketing budgets and campaigns for the titles I owned toward the end of my time there. Ad buys, website designs, creative agency contracts–all part of a typical day. The scopes also varied. In the images above, for instance, F.E.A.R. and Scarface: The World is Yours had multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, whereas titles such as Ice Age 2: The Meltdown and SWAT 4 were more in the mid-range.
This was also my first exposure to working on game titles based on licensed properties. Scarface and Ice Age 2 had rigorous approvals processes, to say the least, and navigating those turbulent waters was both exhausting and thrilling. Who knew it could be so exciting just getting people to send an email with their approval?